To: Parents/Guardians of NES Music Students
From: Mrs. Cyr and Mrs. Peterson
Date: May, 2015
Subject: Spring Concert
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Our Spring Concert is coming up quickly! Here is some information to make this concert run as smoothly as possible:
Performance Attire: All students should wear plain white shirts and black pants or skirts.
Who: The Spring Concert will include the Advanced Band, Beginner Band, Triton District Stage Band, Chorus, and the Choir.
When: Tuesday, May 26th at 7:00 P.M. All students should arrive at the school by 6:30 P.M.
A rehearsal/performance for the faculty and student body will take place during the school day from 1:00-3:00. Children wear their regular school clothes for this daytime concert.
Where: The Spring Concert will take place at the NES Gymnasium.
Stage Band Members: Set up your instruments in the band room, put on a vest from Mrs. Peterson’s room and then report to the auditorium for attendance.
Advanced Band Members: Put your instruments in the cafeteria, put on a vest from Mrs. Peterson’s room and then report to the auditorium for attendance.
Beginner Band Members: Report to the cafeteria and you will receive your vest there.
Vocalists: Put on a vest from Mrs. Peterson’s room then report to the auditorium for attendance.
*All 5th and 6th graders should make sure that their name is checked off for attendance. This is how we keep track of our music awards which we hand out at the end of the year.*
Parents may pick up their children after the entire concert is over. No one should leave until the concert has concluded. We expect the concert to be about an hour long. We can’t wait to show you what we have been working on this spring and we look forward to seeing you at the concert!
If you have any questions, please e-mail either Mrs. Cyr or Mrs. Peterson at:
Laurie Peterson and Laura Cyr