Thursday, October 31, 2013

Annual NES Halloween Parade

The annual NES parade was a huge success!  The NES community marched around the school to the beat of our very own marching band.  Thank you to all of the families that came to cheer us on!

Have a happy and safe Halloween!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Little Red Hens

The NES pre-schoolers have been studying chickens in class.  They have learned about where chickens live, what they eat, their life cycle, and how they behave.  Today, they had their Halloween Parade and all dressed up as red hens. 
Parents were welcomed into the classroom and joined in on the celebration.  It was a wonderful opportunity to see what the pre-schoolers are doing in class and helps to make that ever important school to family connection.

Friday, October 25, 2013

An original song by one of our very talented NES students about bullying...

At our all school meeting we were fortunate to have an original song about bullying shared with the school.  Many thanks to Maggie for writing and singing the song and to Riley for accompanying her.  Here are the lyrics.

Just keep on going every day,
if you stop walking that path of dismay,
your courage will come sooner every single day,
because it gets better it really really does,
you'll find it in your heart to be true,
don't fight back it's not really you,
you'll find it's better to love than to hate,
your brothers and sisters in this world are cheering you on
so just remember every single day just keep walking that beautiful path of love,
just keep remaining strong,
if you just stay true to yourself you will find your strength,
just keep on going every day,
if you stop walking that path of dismay your courage will come,
it'll come to you someday, someday very soon,
because we're all here to help each other through this.


Our Second All School Meeting

Our second all school assembly was a great success!  Students from Mr. Dollas and Ms. Lucy's sixth grade classes shared skits about bullying and how to stop it.  The students did a wonderful job and we all learned how to make NES a safe and strong community.  Each student was asked to think of an adult that they are comfortable reporting a bullying issue to.  Ask your child who they picked.



Monday, October 21, 2013

Mary, Mary Quite Contrary, How does your garden grow?

At NES, our gardens grow thanks to the hard work of the NES students and parent volunteers like Michelle Walsh.  The outdoor gardens were planted last spring and over the summer and are now bursting with fresh vegetables.  Each grade level has been able to participate in the planting, maintaining, and now harvesting the beautiful gardens.  This week, students will be able to enjoy vegetables from our own garden at lunch.  Students will sample zucchini, summer squash, carrots, beets, and green beans.  I wonder what their favorite will be?

Many thanks to all who helped to make our gardens so successful!