Thursday, June 11, 2015

Thank you!

I have been so blessed to have spent the last two years as a member of the NES community.  You welcomed me with open arms and have such a support for and focus on student success.  It has been my privilege to serve as the NES Assistant Principal and I will look back on my time here with great fondness. 
As I move on to my next adventure, I will remember my experiences and the people from the NES community always.  I will miss you all and wish you only the best.
Yours truly,
Amy Pasquarello

Monday, May 18, 2015

NES Spring Concert

To:  Parents/Guardians of NES Music Students
From: Mrs. Cyr and Mrs. Peterson
Date: May, 2015
Subject: Spring Concert

Dear Parent/Guardian:
Our Spring Concert is coming up quickly!  Here is some information to make this concert run as smoothly as possible:
Performance Attire:  All students should wear plain white shirts and black pants or skirts.
Who:  The Spring Concert will include the Advanced Band, Beginner Band, Triton District Stage Band, Chorus, and the Choir.
When: Tuesday, May 26th at 7:00 P.M. All students should arrive at the school by 6:30 P.M. 
A rehearsal/performance for the faculty and student body will take place during the school day from 1:00-3:00.  Children wear their regular school clothes for this daytime concert. 
Where:  The Spring Concert will take place at the NES Gymnasium.
Stage Band Members: Set up your instruments in the band room, put on a vest from Mrs. Peterson’s room and then report to the auditorium for attendance.
Advanced Band Members: Put your instruments in the cafeteria, put on a vest from Mrs. Peterson’s room and then report to the auditorium for attendance.
Beginner Band Members: Report to the cafeteria and you will receive your vest there.
Vocalists: Put on a vest from Mrs. Peterson’s room then report to the auditorium for attendance.
*All 5th and 6th graders should make sure that their name is checked off for attendance.  This is how we keep track of our music awards which we hand out at the end of the year.*
Parents may pick up their children after the entire concert is over.  No one should leave until the concert has concluded.  We expect the concert to be about an hour long.  We can’t wait to show you what we have been working on this spring and we look forward to seeing you at the concert!
If you have any questions, please e-mail either Mrs. Cyr or Mrs. Peterson at:
Laurie Peterson and Laura Cyr

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

PARCC and MCAS Testing

PARCC testing will continue in May for grades 3-6.  In addition, grade 5 will take the MCAS for Science & Technology/Engineering.  It is important that all students arrive to school on time for testing days.  Testing will begin at the beginning of the school day.  Thank you for your assistance in making this process go smoothly.
Please note that gum will not be permitted during testing times.

Friday, April 3, 2015

PARCC testing at NES

This week we finished the first round of PARCC testing.  Thank you to all who helped get your child(ren) to school on time and well rested.  The next round of PARCC testing will be in May.  The exact days will be shared as soon as they are set.

Friday, February 27, 2015

PARCC Schedule for March

This year, NES students in grades three through six will be taking the PARCC assessment.  It is important that all students arrive to school on testing day on time.  Testing will begin at the beginning of the school day.  Thank you for your assistance in making this process go smoothly.

 Below is the calendar for the first round of testing.

March/April 2015 – Performance-Based Component (PBC)
23 PARCC ELA/Literacy
Literary Analysis
Grades 3 and 5
24 PARCC ELA/Literacy
Literary Analysis
Grades 4 and 6
25 PARCC ELA/Literacy
Grades 3 and 5
26 PARCC ELA/Literacy
Grades 4 and 6
27 PARCC ELA/Literacy
Grades 3 and 6
30 PARCC ELA/Literacy
Grades 4 and 5
31 PARCC Math
Session 1
Grades 3, 4, and 5
April 1  PARCC Math
Session 1, Grade 6
Session 2, Grade 3
April 2  PARCC Math
Session 2
Grades 4, 5, and 6

April 3  Make up day

Friday, February 6, 2015

We Are 1 Triton

NES joins the Middle/High schools in celebrating “We Are 1 Triton” week February 9th-13th.  The week will follow tenets of No Name Calling Week (NNCW) sponsored by GLSEN and will promote kindness, unity, and community among our students and schools.  According to GLSEN publications, “NNCW exists to ensure that all students feel safe and respected and develop respectful attitudes and behaviors”.

We will be holding the following dress up days February 9th-13th :

Monday:  Wear red/white and blue to stand "united" against bullying.

Tuesday:  Wear your favorite winter shoes to understand how it feels to walk a mile in someone’s shoes.

Wednesday:  Wear mismatch clothing to show that we are all different and that we can appreciate each other’s differences.

Thursday:  Wear backwards shirts to show that words hurt and you can’t take them back.  It also shows that a good person has others backs.

Friday:  Wear Triton clothing to show that we all come together as a team.

Winter Safety Concerns

The NES Maintenance Staff and the town of Newbury have done a wonderful job managing the enormous volumes of snow we have gotten recently. However, the large snow piles and melting snow still bring safety concerns:

· Please drive slowly at all times in the parking lot.  It is difficult to see around the snow banks for walkers and cars and melting snow can freeze quickly into slippery ice.

· Watch carefully for students in the parking lots, particularly at pickup and drop off times.

· Remind students that snow should stay on the ground.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Mark Rothstein’s World of Jump Roping is Coming to NES

By popular demand and in support of C.A.R.E.S and healthy lifestyles, the PTA is proud to welcome back Mark Rothstein’s World of Jump Roping!  Parents are encouraged to stop by and watch Mark in action – his performance is unforgettable!
Where:            NES Gymnasium
When:             Wednesday, February 11th from 8:45-9:45 am
What:              Mark Rothstein is a Guinness World Record Holder and a National Fitness Hall of Fame Inductee.  As a pro-athlete, educator, role model and entertainer, Mark presents an inspirational elementary school assembly for all ages.  Having performed more than 10,000 shows since the 1980’s, his program consists of high-energy rope jumping exhibitions, coupled with enjoyable and interactive character building skits.

Character building elements emphasized:
Healthy Living
Positive Choices
Trying Your Best

Thursday, January 29, 2015

BARYNYA Performs at NES

On Thursday, the NES community was fortunate to have the cultural enrichment program BARYNYA preform two shows.  The program of Russian traditional dancing, singing, and music was enjoyed by all.  The show included the Dancing Bear Mascot as well as Ukrainian, Gypsy, Jewish and Russian music and dance.  Live music was performed on the accordion-garmoshka, guitar and balalaika and performers showcased several traditional costumes with many costume changes.  Students participated in a short Russian dance (in their seats, standing up) as well as a Russian alphabet lesson.   Thank you NES PTA for sponsoring such a wonderful event!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Announcing Triton Night at Fenway Park for the Boston Red Sox vs. Baltimore Orioles

Tickets are on sale now through Jan. 28 for Triton Night at Fenway Park on Wednesday, June 24,for the 7:10 pm game featuring the Boston Red Sox vs. the Baltimore Orioles. Reserved group seating for Newbury, Rowley, and Salisbury fans will be available for $32/seat in the outfield grandstand.

This will be a great event to celebrate the end of the school year, giving students, families, teachers, staff, and community members an opportunity to kick off summer in style. All are welcome to join Triton Night!

The tickets will be sold based on availability, first-come, first-served, through January 28. Tickets are non-refundable. To order tickets, use the attached order form and return it to a school office labeled "SEPAC" or send a check for your total purchase made out to TRSD to: SEPAC, TRSD Central Office, 112 Elm St., Byfield, MA 01922. Include your name, address, email, phone number, and number of tickets wanted. Seats will be assigned, so if you wish to ensure seating with another group, submit all orders on one form.

For each ticket sold, the Triton Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) will receive $5 to use for programming and activities for students and families in the school district. The mission of the Triton SEPAC is to work for understanding of, respect for, and support of all children with special needs in the community.

Questions may be sent to

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Wingmasters Visits NES

Last Friday, the NES first graders learned about some of our fine feathered friends when Wingmasters came to talk about the screech owl, the barred owl, the peregrine falcon, the great horned owl, and the northern saw whet owl.  Students got to see each of these wonderful birds and hear about their habitats and behaviors.  The students voted that their favorite was the smallest of all, the  northern saw whet owl.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Welcome Back!

Welcome back!  We hope you all had a relaxing and rejuvenating winter break.  The students are back at work and have settled back into the routine nicely.  It is wonderful to hear about all of the exciting adventures NES students have had over the break.  Thank you to all who helped get everyone ready to get back into the routine.