Friday, February 27, 2015

PARCC Schedule for March

This year, NES students in grades three through six will be taking the PARCC assessment.  It is important that all students arrive to school on testing day on time.  Testing will begin at the beginning of the school day.  Thank you for your assistance in making this process go smoothly.

 Below is the calendar for the first round of testing.

March/April 2015 – Performance-Based Component (PBC)
23 PARCC ELA/Literacy
Literary Analysis
Grades 3 and 5
24 PARCC ELA/Literacy
Literary Analysis
Grades 4 and 6
25 PARCC ELA/Literacy
Grades 3 and 5
26 PARCC ELA/Literacy
Grades 4 and 6
27 PARCC ELA/Literacy
Grades 3 and 6
30 PARCC ELA/Literacy
Grades 4 and 5
31 PARCC Math
Session 1
Grades 3, 4, and 5
April 1  PARCC Math
Session 1, Grade 6
Session 2, Grade 3
April 2  PARCC Math
Session 2
Grades 4, 5, and 6

April 3  Make up day

Friday, February 6, 2015

We Are 1 Triton

NES joins the Middle/High schools in celebrating “We Are 1 Triton” week February 9th-13th.  The week will follow tenets of No Name Calling Week (NNCW) sponsored by GLSEN and will promote kindness, unity, and community among our students and schools.  According to GLSEN publications, “NNCW exists to ensure that all students feel safe and respected and develop respectful attitudes and behaviors”.

We will be holding the following dress up days February 9th-13th :

Monday:  Wear red/white and blue to stand "united" against bullying.

Tuesday:  Wear your favorite winter shoes to understand how it feels to walk a mile in someone’s shoes.

Wednesday:  Wear mismatch clothing to show that we are all different and that we can appreciate each other’s differences.

Thursday:  Wear backwards shirts to show that words hurt and you can’t take them back.  It also shows that a good person has others backs.

Friday:  Wear Triton clothing to show that we all come together as a team.

Winter Safety Concerns

The NES Maintenance Staff and the town of Newbury have done a wonderful job managing the enormous volumes of snow we have gotten recently. However, the large snow piles and melting snow still bring safety concerns:

· Please drive slowly at all times in the parking lot.  It is difficult to see around the snow banks for walkers and cars and melting snow can freeze quickly into slippery ice.

· Watch carefully for students in the parking lots, particularly at pickup and drop off times.

· Remind students that snow should stay on the ground.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Mark Rothstein’s World of Jump Roping is Coming to NES

By popular demand and in support of C.A.R.E.S and healthy lifestyles, the PTA is proud to welcome back Mark Rothstein’s World of Jump Roping!  Parents are encouraged to stop by and watch Mark in action – his performance is unforgettable!
Where:            NES Gymnasium
When:             Wednesday, February 11th from 8:45-9:45 am
What:              Mark Rothstein is a Guinness World Record Holder and a National Fitness Hall of Fame Inductee.  As a pro-athlete, educator, role model and entertainer, Mark presents an inspirational elementary school assembly for all ages.  Having performed more than 10,000 shows since the 1980’s, his program consists of high-energy rope jumping exhibitions, coupled with enjoyable and interactive character building skits.

Character building elements emphasized:
Healthy Living
Positive Choices
Trying Your Best